Sunday, February 23, 2014

2666 a reading blog

Who is Benno von Archimboldi?

Week One 2666

Like with Underworld I am going to (hopefully!) blog thoughts on Roberto Bolano's epic novel 2666.

The start of the novel consists of the introduction of Benno von Archimboldi a German author with an Italian sounding name. We learn of this recluse novelist through four of his biggest fans and critics. Bolano gives us titles of the works by Archimboldi but very little else to describe his work.

I am about 65 pages in and most of the focus is on four critics who follow his work meet at different conferences. Three of the critics are male and one is female. Two of these male critics Pelletier and Ezpinoza have an affair with the female Liz Norton. The other male Moroni suffers from disease and is stuck in a wheel chair. Otherwise maybe he would also be sleeping with Norton. When I stopped reading Liz Norton has just ended the affair withe Ezpinoza and Pelletier.  We are also getting some information about where Archimboldi might  be traveling.

Just writing this down I wonder why I am enjoying the beginning of this novel so much.  There is more to the story but that is what I have the patience to write down.

It is the detail. It is the style.  It is the tangent short stories.  This novel is already opening me to think more about obsession. The definition of great art. The things that bound a group together.  I can't wait to see how it all unfolds.